It’s… complicated

So, this isn’t how I intended to write my last missive from northern Illinois.  But things, as things are wont to do, took a turn.  It will apparently be a brief one, but a turn nonetheless.

And this one may get wordy due to the good news/bad news aspect.  So, first with the bad news…

I got a call from my realtor in NC this morning.  She didn’t receive the final document from the bank in time for Thursday’s closing.  Now, in and of itself this is not a huge deal.  The thing that makes it a huge deal is that I’ve

A.) scheduled the movers to deliver my stuff Thursday.

B.) scheduled the utilities to get hooked up/switched to my name Thursday.

C.) scheduled a delivery for three appliances I need for Thursday.

I was, you might say, displeased to hear this news.  There were, in fact, a handful of deleted expletives that were aimed at no one in particular but rather so I could vent.  I left numerous messages with the loan officer and had a chat or two with my realtor.  I heard back from the loan officer who was, ironically, AT a closing when I called.  She was on her way to the office to find out what was up and as I told her; at this point I’m not concerned with the who, what, how, and why this happened.  I just need it fixed.  Like, right now.

I paced and muttered for a little bit, vented to a person or two (you know who you are.  And thanks for letting me rant) and got in the car to run some errands.

And had an idea.

I called the realtor and told her “I don’t care if this is legal or if it ever happens or what hurdles are in the way, but I want you to contact the sellers and see if they’ll rent the house to me for one day.”  She said there’s actually a provision in the contract that allows it.  I told her I’d like to set that up as a plan “B” and that I was still urging the bank to fix this so I can keep the closing as scheduled for Thursday morning.

But having a plan “B” in place helped unfrazzle me.  Like, a lot.  And I’m moving forward as if everything is going according to plan, but prepared for a change if need be.  As long as the bank gets me the effing document I need today so I can get the funds from my bank here in Illinois…


But, to the good news portion of today’s program…

Saturday I went to a birthday party for the former Beatle Baby.  Or so I thought.  See, a few weeks ago I heard from the Boy Child that they’d be celebrating his birthday six days after the fact at 10:00 Saturday morning at the local park district building.  I thought it odd, but quickly shrugged it off due to

A.) who wants a bunch of screaming six year-olds running around their house?

B.) scheduling at a public facility can be tricky so you take what you can get.

C.) why would I doubt the fruit of my loins?

I should point out here that, in the past, I haven’t always reacted appropriately to surprise parties in my honor.  Don’t get me wrong, I like when it’s all about me as much as the next person, but still, there’s something about them that makes me feel a little twitchy, you know?

So I found a parking spot and got out of the car.  I noticed the Oldest One’s car, the Boy Child’s car and I thought I saw the Quiet Child’s car too.  I had brought a couple of things for her, but wasn’t sure if they would be available for the party.  I walked in, heard a small ruckus to my left and started following the noise.  As I got to a corner in the hallway I saw BC.  I asked if QC was there and he said she was.  I handed him the birthday gift and told him I was going to run back to the car to get something.  I turned and got about ten feet when he called me back saying if he gave the gift to the former Beatle Baby I wouldn’t get the credit for it.  I rolled my eyes, muttered something under my breath and turned around to go with him.  I saw one of the kids dart into a room down the hall, and as we passed an open door, I looked inside.  I saw a couple of my nieces there and thought “why are they here?”

BC told me to go into that very door and, as I walked in and looked around the room, the first thing that came to mind was “Why the f*ck are these people at the former Beatle Baby’s party?”  Friends, family, coworkers, retired DGFD guys, people I hadn’t seen in years in some cases.  All here for a party for my six year-old grandson.

And then, I realized the truth.  My rotten (not really) kids had planned a surprise retirement party for me.

I had no clue.  Not. A. Single. One.

Who knew they could be so conniving?  For the previous couple days, right up to and including Saturday morning, I had gotten what I believed to be unconnected texts, calls, and/or emails about my weekend plans.  I never caught on.

I just want to say it was really a wonderful morning.  And more than a little overwhelming, just as the firehouse festival to me was.  I felt a little like Sally Field (never thought I’d compare myself to her btw) when she said “You like me, you really like me!”  Truly one of my best days.


It was a steady stream of well wishes from everyone.  And it was tear-free.  There was one moment where it came close, when the Reigning Princess jumped up into my arms, as is her practice, and hugged me particularly tightly, burying her face into my shoulder.  I did my best to comfort her, told her she could FaceTime me anytime she wanted and reminding her they’d see me at Christmas and that I’d be home in the spring for dance recitals and ballgames.  That was the toughest moment for me, as that kid has had me wrapped around her little finger from Day One and we both know it.

I know this move will have moments, both for me and for those I’m closest to, where my sanity will be (probably rightly so) called into question.  But I’m still confident this is the good and right thing to do.  Comfort zones must be challenged from time-to-time.  It’s part of how we grow as humans.  And, by the very nature of the challenge, it’s at times, frightening.  But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t attempt to expand our boundaries.

Sometimes a “new normal” is forced upon us.  Sometimes we choose it.  Either way it can be terrifying.  And it can be empowering.

Sometimes both at the very same time.


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