I’m sitting here at my semi-local coffeehouse this morning, trying to compose some thoughts on a variety of things, and I decided to take a break from that to tell you this.
Coffeehouses in general, and this one in particular (since this is the one where you’ll find me) are apparently, and I know I’ve written about this before, magnets for random characters. For instance, here this morning I’ve seen; what I can only describe as David Lee Roth in drag sipping on coffee and working a crossword puzzle, any number of college students working on, I’m sure, a wide variety of assignments, what I believe to be one of the local homeless highlighting (and by highlighting I mean, underlining verse after verse after verse with a black pen) passages in an extremely well-worn Bible, a couple of collections of local business types holding some sort of impromptu meeting (probably in violation of the Open Meetings Act) and, of course a lovely selection of hipster types. Hey, I’ve got no problem whatsoever with eclecticism, heck it makes for great fodder for those of us that like to write about random things, you know?
This shop is also, what you call “pet friendly” according to their website and I have, in fact, seen people here with their dogs. So, of course, yesterday morning, I brought #LillyNO up here for her maiden voyage. She did great. Was her usual, charming self, and very well-behaved. She was a little skittish when we first walked in, but quickly calmed herself once people started paying attention to her. Tail wagging and belly rubbing ensued in a very short time-frame and she only needed to be reminded not to jump up a couple of times. I enjoyed a lovely latte while she laid at my feet, eagerly (Oh please, oh please pay attention to meeeeee people!) awaiting someone, anyone, to make eye contact with her, at which point she would get up, thrash the air with her tail, and seek ear scratches and praise from her new adorers. I think her tail is a little blurry in this picture, and it’s because she just noticed someone coming over to say hello to her.
We then took a little walk around downtown Greensboro, which she seemed to enjoy just as much as she did Nashville, even though there was nowhere near as much in the way of discarded food scraps on the sidewalks here. Not too many people around on a Sunday morning here either, so with less socialization going on the walk went pretty quickly. The only issue came when she got freaked out by an overzealous dog inside a parked car. He or she was not particularly happy to see us judging by the forcefulness of the barking. #LillyNO tucked in behind my legs while we waited for the walk light to change so we could move on and she quickly forgot about the foul language the dog threw her way. So yes, I think there will be more trips to the coffeehouse for #LillyNO in the future. For now, when I try to write, I’ll leave her home. But when I can focus on her behavior, she’ll be a more frequent visitor, no doubt.
Imma keep this one short today, I have errands to tend to back home. I’m not sure if I’ll get anything out before the holiday so I’ll leave you with these thoughts I’m thankful for each and every one of you that takes some time out of your day to look at this stuff. You rock. And, lastly, despite where we are as a country and as human beings, we have much for which to be thankful. If you’re reading this, there’s a really good chance you’ve got a roof over your head and a place to rest your head each night. Far too many of our brothers and sisters on this planet can’t say the same thing. So appreciate what you have, and recognize the thin line between what society sees as normalcy and utter chaos.
PS- etc. etc. As proof it’s time for me to go, a grown-ass man just walked in here in his jammies. I shit you not. I’m out.
Very WELL Said, we have alot to be THANKFUL FOR!!