Go Fund Someone

I didn’t plan on writing a post today. It’s not that there aren’t things to write about, it’s more that I just wasn’t feeling it. It happens sometimes, you know.

Then, a little bit ago, I took a scroll through social media, and I saw one of those things that just kinda stops you in your tracks.

One of my favorite nurses from Good Sam, Steve, posted something about another of my favorite nurses from Good Sam, Dave, and it included a Go Fund Me link. And my heart skipped a beat. I hate to see bad shit happen to, well, most people (there are exceptions which I’ll not go into), but especially, I hate to see bad shit happen to good people. And, as people go, Dave is so far above and beyond “good” that I’m at a loss for words. As a result, I’m going to keep this one more brief and to the point than I usually do. I’ll copy and paste a little from Steve’s post so you get the gist of what I’m putting out here…

Two, very long days ago, while on an outing with the family, Dave experienced what Google symptom-check experts would call a “medical emergency”. Knowing his tendency to be unique, life opted to bestow him with a non-traumatic, cervical vascular dissection, a bit of a rarity, which resulted in diminished blood flow to his brain, causing a small stroke and leading to his best impression of stroke-like symptoms ever.  Luckily, Sue shook off his ingrained, playin’ it cool ER nurse response of “gimme a minute” and notified EMS, getting him to a stroke center in… Green Bay, WI (their story to tell). Just like fantasy football, can never go wrong playing a Cheesehead.  This was the right play at the right time, providing Dave with the best chance of pulling off the win. Luckily and thankfully, Dave has received great care and is currently in the planning phase of what/how/when to return home to continue his care, but most importantly figuring out how to get the hospital operator to play Strokin’ by Clarence Carter upon his exit. Seriously though, something like a stroke puts a wrench in everyday life.  Dave and fam’s new hobby for a time will be discovery and recovery, replacing work and/or rearranging other routine tasks and priorities. This is where we all come in.Please consider donating funds to help support the Allman Family.   Any amount is appreciated and will help them navigate the challenges in the coming weeks. Your love and support are so appreciated.

There you have it. Here is a link to the Gofundme page set up on behalf of Dave and Sue and their kids.

Just to wrap this up quickly ish, Dave is, without question, on the Mount Rushmore of outstanding nurses I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with and he’s also one of the nicest, funniest people I’ve ever known. So, if you can help, please do so. Love you buddy.


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