Scary Creatures. Somewhere Perhaps, But Not Here.

Does anybody need three wardrobe boxes?  Asking for a friend…  The amount of leftover cardboard seems staggering, it certainly feels like more than what I bought.  I filled the recycle bin last week and immediately refilled once it was picked up.  I saved the boxes that survived the cross country transport in the best shape and put them up in the attic, you know, in case I ever decide to move again…  LOLOLOLOL, I crack myself up sometimes.  At any rate, it’s safe to say I’ve still got a surplus of cardboard products.  Now, this also means that I’ve essentially got everything unpacked.  It may not be where I want it to be, and I’ve still got much to do as far as getting this place the way I want it, but small victories are, in fact, victories nonetheless.

Something else I’ve got a surplus of; Halloween candy.  I had not. one. trick or treater. yesterday.  No goblins, no ghosts, no Kardashians, or any other frightening figures knocked on my door.  What the hell?  I, of course, bought candy that I like (obvs) and I bought a bunch of it because who wants to run out on Halloween amirite?  That’s just asking for trouble.  So now, rather than risk putting on a fast fifteen pounds of post Halloween weight I’ve decided to send out “care” packages.  Because I care about maintaining my svelte, boyish, figure.  Again, LOL.

I decided, since I’m traveling to Nashville for a wedding this weekend, for one of the guys from the firehouse, my brothers from Red Shift in the high-rise district will be the beneficiaries of some of my overestimation of candy.  You’re welcome!  I think I’m going to send some to the littles too.  Sugar load coming courtesy of someone who won’t have to deal with the after effects!  Speaking of Nashville, since this is my first time there, I’m open to suggestions of where to go and what to see so fire away.  I’ve gotten a couple of good ideas from people, but I’m making a weekend out of it and I’d like to see as much as I can.  I’m kind of bummed on one thing; I knew I wanted to check out the Bluebird Cafe, even more so after it was recommended by a friend who has a trustworthy sense of quality music, but when I signed on Monday morning to get a ticket to a show I wanted to see, it was sold out less than three minutes after it opened up.  It’s a very small venue, so I get it, but it’s still kind of a drag.  Sigh.

Moving right along… I thought I had mentioned, either here or on the old site not that long ago about how I made chocolate chip cookies after a baking fail at the firehouse.  I was pretty sure I’d commented about it, at least in passing, and a deep seated fear of redundancy initiated a fifteen or twenty minute search through old posts which produced nothing.  So, let me just say that those cookies were pretty darn tasty.  If you read this even semi-regularly or if you know me IRL, you know how fond I am of baked goods.  So it is with no small amount of shame that I admit to you, I neglected to buy anything of that nature during my first couple excursions to the grocery store since I got here.  I know, right?  I don’t know what I was thinking.  I’d like to blame Bob and TJ somehow, but I just couldn’t make that work in my head, so I guess I have to own this one.  To that end, I bought a Kitchen Aid mixer.  This is something I’ve been putting off since the first batch of homemade cookies.  It was a bit of a mess, literally, since I wasn’t prepared hardware-wise for baking at home.  Bowls were a little on the small side and the old hand mixer I’d picked up at an estate sale was almost overmatched.  I found out just how overmatched when I smoked it (literally) at the conclusion (thankfully) of my second batch of homemade cookies.  I waited because I wasn’t sure where I’d end up, or rather, what type of kitchen I’d have.  And since I’m nothing if not a color coordinating fool *snark* I waited to make sure it matched whatever appliances I’d end up with.  Actually that’s a little less snarky than I care to admit to, but whatevs.  So I’ll soon have no one to blame but myself for not having delicious baked goods whenever I desire.  Spoiler alert- there’s really never anyone to blame but myself, so…

I’ve decided my maiden voyage in the new mixer will be – brookies. That’s right,  you know ’em, you love ’em, you can’t eat just one, that little piece of euphoria inducing splendor will be coming to me from my very own kitchen.  I already can’t wait.  If you’ve never had one, well, you need to change that, pronto.  You’ll thank me, I promise.


PS – I can’t believe I forgot to add that at the end of my last post.  It’s been kind of my unofficial official closing here for years.  So you’re getting another one here.


Welcome To The Neighborhood

Seeing as how this is the place I go to write and you, in turn, come to read, I figured it was about time I held up my end of the deal.  So…

The move was… interesting… I think I need to refine the aforementioned Funkenwinkel Nuisance Ranking Scale.  Btw, any suggestions for that are welcomed and will be given full consideration based on creativity of both description and cursing.  However, instead of dragging you through all the gory details of late arrivals, nonexistent customer service and the frustration of trying to understand and be understood by a person for whom english is a second language (side note; the fact that people speak more than one language now makes me, as a rule of thumb, far more tolerant than I used to be.  Once I realized that I only speak, ya know, ONE language, I figured it was only fair that I cut them some slack for at least attempting multiple languages.) I decided instead to just leave it at this; I got 99% of my stuff here and in the same shape it was in when it left Illinois.  With minimal effort on my part.  After all, while my stuff was being loaded, I literally stood in the kitchen and ate chips.  Pretty much similar to when it was unloaded here in North Carolina.  All in all, I can’t complain about it too loudly.

In the midst of trying to figure out where I want to put things etc. I’ve managed to take a little time to explore my new surroundings.  Among the things I’ve learned so far; apparently the globe of my front porch light has been the final resting place for every insect that has died in the state over the course of the last millennia.  I said a few kind words over the tiny, desiccated, corpses of a variety of winged insects just before I washed them out onto the grass though, so we’re all good.

Also, I learned the neighbor two doors (I think) down has a beagle that’s quite fond of his own voice.  The beagle’s, not the owner’s.  Just sayin’.  Now, I’m not one to “breed shame” as I know or have known dogs of a variety of breeds that are deemed “dangerous” or “inherently stupid”  or what have you and, of course, it’s the individual animal and the way it’s trained and not an entire breed that should be lumped into a category.  Having said that, there’s something about the incessant baying of a beagle that rankles me.  More so than almost any other breed.  So, I’ve got that going for me.

I discovered a local treat (by “local” I mean Virginia and North Carolina) named Biscuitville.  Think breakfast sandwiches like you’d find at the golden arches (NOT the golden arcs) and you get an idea.  Now multiply the flavor of said sandwhich by a factor of about 12,683 and you have an idea of how amazing country ham on a biscuit tastes.  Side note; if you think it’s hard to understand a voice over the intercom of a fast food place, try throwing in a southern accent on top of it.  Yikes.  My response to something (and by “something” I mean, I have no idea what I was asked) this morning was, literally “Ummm, yes?” but I got the food I requested, so I’ll take that as a win. Let’s see, what else?  Oh yeah, I found a wonderful BBQ place not far from my house.  A large plate of coarse chopped bbq with fries, cole slaw, and hush puppies for under $10 and I can’t eat all the food they give me.  Also, win!

This part of the country once produced a large portion of the furniture America bought.  And, while much has gone off shore (I’ll spare you my rant on this topic) (for now) there are still many fine, locally owned stores, outlets, etc in the area.  This works out well for me, since I need to furnish a couple rooms and I’m kind of a cheapskate.  

This piece for example –

I found this gem in a local auction/consignment store.  After long distance discussions with the daughters as well as a couple friends with much better design sense than I have, I made an offer on it.  As you can see, it fits nicely right inside the front door of the new place.

So thanks to all that gave input on this one, I promise I’ll try (prolly not too hard though tbh) not to overload your text/minutes/data/emails with my questions/comments/pictures regarding future purchases.  Maybe.  We’ll see.  If I can keep my impulsivity reigned in by my cheapskatedness that would be a big help too.